New Orleans We need your help in seeing if we can get some money for the ACORN Institute Hurricane Rebuilding and Recovery Fund. I’m not going to tell you for the gazillionth time how much we have been doing, but it’s a truckload, and you can access all of that by hitting and then any of the hurricane buttons. But, I am going to tell you a simple thing you can do to help us raise money for the rebuilding, and that is to make us “your cause” and double click below to Campaign for Your Cause with Burger King.
Here’s the deal. The hamburger kings are putting up $100,000 for New Orleans and $100,000 Baton Rouge to give these communities a hand (and God knows they still need it). To win a piece of the money though by mid-May (another 2 weeks), we have to get a slew of votes on the website, so we can try and win in the money round. (Darned, I wish more of our members had computers!) As they say, “you choose how” Burger King donates — sort of a democracy of dollars, if you will.
You have to pick the ACORN Institute because it’s the 501c3 that is handling the Rebuilding and Recovery Fund. The whole thing will look like what you see below in the picture. You can vote every day (I think, but the rules are in the FAQ’s). Click here to go to the Campaign for Your Cause website and hook us up. (Oh, and they only ask for your birthday, so you don’t have to worry about email address collection, according to their rules!).