New Orleans News is now in from Delhi on the first meeting of another union of informal workers in India being organized by ACORN International. Dharmendra Kumar filed this brief report with more details to follow: On 22nd february 2009 a meeting of Rickshaw pullers were held in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi (photo attached). All together 16 people participated in the meeting along with myself and all organizing secretaries of Delhi. Laxmi Nagar Committee of ACORN International Rickshawpullers Federation was formed and adhoc committee of the federation was elected unanimously by the members present.
The following are the members of the adhoc committee of ACORN International Rickshaw Pullers’ Laxmi Nagar Committee:
- Basudev Das- Convenor
- Mahadev-Co-convenor
- Raju De-Co-Convenor
- Shambhu Haldar
- Sushanto Das
- Adir Haldar
- Nagu Haldar
- Sushil Das