Helena Back on the grid and glad to report that despite some challenges, the Silver Bullet (nee’ Airstream International Sovereign) veteran of 4 years of New Orleans post-Katrina rebuilding and one year of Denver acclimation, made it with only the bare minimum of huffing and puffing to a permanent at the edge of the mountain within a hair of Rock Creek.
There are a lot of stories to tell, but this is a Western style adventure with trucks, rocks, 2 x 8’s and paving stones moving over root holes and narrowly missing trees (most trees anyway) until the butt of the Bullet was right on the million rock granite escarpment. Answer to the question posed last: it takes 18 organizers to plant an Airstream in the mountains in one day, though much of that is has more to do with the celebration involved and 17 the next day to make sure it was all done right and well!
Oh, and, yes, there’s a fish story with evidence to back up it up for a change with about 10 caught and 7 brown trout and 1 brookie.
More to follow….