Day Laborers and Immigrants Rule in “Machete”

Ideas and Issues Immigration Reform

New Orleans The search for movies with a politically satirical message is unwavering and someone has to do it, so there we were at opening night for the world release for “Machete,” the new Richard Rodriguez blood and gore flick, and we were thumbs up all the way.  In fact our friends at NDLON, the National Day Laborers’ Organizing Network, should have gotten Rodriquez to allow them to use his movie for pre-opening fundraisers.

There are not many times when someone can rise out of the street corner day laborer pool, and end up leading the Network, the cholos, and their own hermanos and hermanas in a charge against vigilantes killing immigrants coming across the border.  This is one, so enjoy!

Futhermore, the Mexicano-naros rationale for wanting an electrified border fence between both countries so that they could drive up the price of drugs by controlling any of the fence’s vulnerabilities, actually started to make some sense out of this billion dollar folly by the end of the movie.

Luckily for Rodriguez, his movie escapes being a total comic book portrayal thanks to real live “stranger than fiction” politicians like Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer and her well watched brain freeze in the days before the movie went nationwide.  Many had known that her brain had frozen years before but the proof was there for everyone to see, and that actually made the politicians seem more credible and real in the movie.

Life goes on and it’s hard.
