New Orleans Ross Douthat, the conservative and religion columnist for the New York Times supports the right’s dismantling of the “cathedral” controlled by the left-liberal establishment, but worries that its extremism in the cultural wars will not create a reasonable balance, but simply an equal reaction to its action, changing nothing. Interesting, right? …
The Misinformation Dilemma
New Orleans Misinformation is everywhere around us now poisoning our society and politics, dividing people, and polarizing countries and conflicts. We tend to think of misinformation as just political, but a special feature recently in Science magazine reminds us that this is a phenomenon that triggers scientific inquiry into its causes and effects. …
Instagram Trump Bias
New Orleans I don’t have the bandwidth to keep up with Instagram, despite its popularity. I’ve had my chances. I will never forget standing in a small pocket park across from the campaign offices of the now defunct Ecuadorian party, Ruptura 25, as the main Quito candidate tried to share with me her …