The Fiction of Media Independence is Gone


            New Orleans        If any of us ever believed that when billionaires and their like buy media properties, no matter how prominent and well-regarded, and claim that they are doing so as a public and community service, and will absolutely and faithfully allow them to maintain their editorial independence, it’s past time for me …

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Columbia for My Father


            Medellin          Birds and plants are amazing, but my father would have said, “hey, that’s true in other countries, too, Wade, what makes Columbia unique, that’s what I want to know.”  My old man was no pushover, so I have to keep my eyes open for things that would hit the mark. As an accountant, …

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Unsung Heroes Close to Home


            Medellin          With almost minute by minute reports from New Orleans because of the tragedy, the holiday has become hollow, and it is clearly time to go home. The death count is up to 15 now, and according to the Parish coroner, is likely to rise.  In a rarity, the Sugar Bowl was postponed for …

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