Pearl River With the US election less than four weeks away, it was timely to talk to the veteran progressive political organizer, Bob Creamer on Wade’s World. As it happens, our paths have crossed many times over the last decades. Before becoming a political organizer, Bob was a community organizer for many years based …
Author: Chief Organizer
Church and State
New Orleans Evangelicals have been a force in American politics for decades now. I’ve paid attention, but have seen them as one of an array of special interest, pressure groups, so have taken a sort of live-and-let-live attitude that they were all part and parcel of the democratic process. That is starting to seem …
Hurricane Watch, Evacuation Hell
New Orleans Living in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, our hearts go out to people in North Carolina, suddenly confronting the horrors of hurricanes, even 500 miles from the coast, and folks in our sister state, Florida, facing a double whammy. Even as we blush at our recent luck when a …