Pearl River In 1984, ACORN organized what we called “Reagan Ranches” all over the country, recalling the famous Hoovervilles, to protest Reagan economic policies impacting our membership. In a similar “ranch”, organized along the trickle of a river in Dallas during the Republican national convention, we slept and marched under a banner that proclaimed, …
Category: ACORN
Mike Davis Was Something Special
Marble Falls If there’s a book that Mike Davis has written that I haven’t read, it must be one that hasn’t been published yet, and, I’ll tell you right now, I’m looking forward to it. Mike had a rare and ranging brilliance that shone through deep research, great politics, fundamental insights, and a …
Hotlanta, No Longer a Place for Black, Brown, and Poor?
Pearl River Atlanta bills itself as the Queen City of the South, an international hub with perhaps the world’s busiest airport, multiple corporate headquarters, and more depending on the day of the week, and where it can make a buck. Inarguably, it’s a great city that in recent years has grown like topsy. The …