New Orleans Maybe I should shut-up about the Sidewalk development project being proposed by Google in Toronto on 800-acres. ACORN and some of our allies went after them from the day they won the bid to submit proposals on the issue of the lack of affordable housing in a city that is caught in an …
Category: ACORN
Volunteer Host “Army” Gathers at KABF
Little Rock As the hosts of KABF’s radio shows gathered at the New Millennium Church in western Little Rock near the University of Little Rock campus, long time DJs went back and forth trying to remember when we had convened our last all hands meeting of the hosts. I would venture three or four years, …
Progressive Philanthropists’ Reunion at the Hunter Gathering
Washington Progressive philanthropists? Is that an oxymoron? Is there even such a thing? Well, yes, in fact there is, or so they say, so take my word for it. Where would you be able to host a meeting of progressive philanthropists? You think the answer is a telephone booth, don’t you? No, there answer is …