Pollution Kills, Just Slowly

Climate Change Community Organizing DC Politics International

      Marble Falls      As the calendar turns to mark the end of the second year of the pandemic, we went old school, and headed for the hills.  To be more exact, we went back to Arkansas, and, more specifically, the Ozarks.   Mountains, perhaps I should say more accurately, but having been born in Wyoming and raised in Colorado and …

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Could Direct Action Stop Climate Change?

Climate Change Community Organizing DC Politics

Little Rock      Sometimes you stumble over something so obvious, you shake your head wondering why your thinking was so patterned that it was in danger of becoming more habitual than flexible in facing organizing problems.  An organizer always has to challenge herself not to simply fall back on a practiced repertoire of tactics and strategies in facing …

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Environmental Money Scams

Climate Change

            Pearl River     No question.  Climate change is a big deal.  For every hurricane alert, storm warning, and sudden street flooding, environmental consciousness is rising as quickly as the wind and water.  If a lot of people care about something, then here come the scammers and marketeers, because, hey, this is America, land of the …

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