Pearl River We started getting notices from a CPA who advises us on some matters in late 2024 about whether in our family of organizations there were the kinds of companies that would need to be ready and able to file ownership reports under the new Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) by January 1st, …
Category: Corporations
Guilty as Charged and Dyeing Louisiana Redder
New Orleans Back in the USA, shaking off a 16-hour flight from Delhi to Newark against headwinds, there was news aplenty, some of it good, some of it not so good. Justice was served in a New York City court across the river, as a jury ruled conclusively that there had been more …
New Conservative Tactic – Stalemate and Gridlock
New Orleans It probably brings a grimace to the faces of many environmental and other lawyers when they keep having to repeat Chevron’s name favorably in court proceedings and papers these days. Chevron, of course, is the giant oil and energy company and the bête noire of environmentalists and many others everywhere because …