New Orleans The Russian invasion of Ukraine seems to have entered a new phase with a step back to hunker down in areas in the east, already taken, but with all signs of an extended and protracted engagement with no clear end in sight. Many countries around the rest of the world have …
Category: Environment
The On-Going Fight Against Lead Poisoning
New Orleans Mi companera is on one lead-free listserv after another. A Community Voice, the former Louisiana ACORN, and an affiliate of ACORN International, has been a lead crusader for decades now. From time to time, they have the resources for major testing programs, and the results are always depressing in New Orleans …
The Wounds of Redlining Are Still Unhealed
Little Rock It turns out that when you never fix something that is broken, it just stays broken, even if ignored. We all know that’s the truth, whether a leaky faucet, a flattening tire, or our own sorry selves. Looking the other way, pretending it’s not a problem, or, worse, hoping it will all …