New Orleans When your name comes up in Google Alerts, it’s good to know what’s out there in the world, but mostly my advice from years of experience as often a pin cushion for right wing zealots, conspiratory hunters, and conservative crazies is to treat it like water off a duck’s back. Yawn, …
Category: Non-Profit
Add Peru to the Anti-NGO Impunity List
New Orleans All of a sudden ACORN’s Latin American WhatsApp group was blowing up. Honduras was reaching out to Peru with concern. Even with my rough reading of Spanish, I could tell there was big trouble. At first, I thought the unpopular president had been assassinated, but a closer reading and some Google …
Autocratic Attack on Nonprofits
New Orleans Make no mistake about it, autocrats everywhere come first for the soft targets, like nonprofits. The cover story may be slightly different from country to country, but it’s all about power and control. Autocrats want to eliminate any voice or sign of opposition and nonprofits and public services are the easiest …