Marble Falls Sometimes you have to give the devil his due. Karl Rove gained his reputation as a Republican strategy wizard for his work with George Bush, the second. Subsequently, he has continued to take up important real estate in the party and on the more moderate-right with his election funds and his …
Category: Politics
With Trump, Elections, not Courts, Will Bring Accountability
Marble Falls In the world of Donald Trump, former President of the United States, it’s another day, another indictment, sixteen lawyers and what do get, another day older and deeper in debt. The latest indictment, the United States of America vs. Donald J. Trump, issued by the Justice Department is arguably the most …
Freedom to Read
Marble Falls When we think of libraries, most of us have a pretty clear picture in our minds. To some it’s a quiet, contemplative space, where often all we can hear is the shuffle of feet from card catalogues, if those still exist, to rows of bookshelves. Maybe we remember having to spend …