Pearl River If you are smugly enjoyed the Congressional meltdown of the Republicans and are wondering what new hellscape will be coming from their quarter, while still sleeping peacefully at night thinking, “how bad can it be, the Senate” will stop them, then walk away from what I’m about to share. Finian O’Toole, the Irish …
Category: Politics
Dems Not Minding the Store in the Cities
New Orleans – The huge sigh of relief by Democrats after the midterms could be heard across the country. There was no red wave. It wasn’t as bad as many expected. The House was lost only narrowly, and by less than usual in a mid-term election, and the Senate was not only held, but improved …
Some of the Concessions to the Republican Radicals Make Sense
New Orleans – No doubt about it, the Republican rump caucus is up to no good once any of us take a good look at their long-term objectives, which basically pretend the US can be dialed back to the 1950s or before. Giving the devils their due though, I have to admit that some …