Marble Falls We’ve all heard the expression and many of us have dutifully passed it on to our children and others that “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” It’s a rhyme that works with children, because they are too young to know better. The rest of …
Category: Politics
What are Some Politicians Thinking These Days?
New Orleans In what still seems the political “age of Trump,” probably the wrong question to ask, is “what are they thinking?” With misinformation, boundless conspiracies, and many feeling free to talk about scuttling elections and civil war, I’m probably out of line even wondering. Nonetheless, even acknowledging that the American political lists …
Small Town Democracy in Action
Eudora, Arkansas I was a guest at the monthly city council meeting in Eudora, Arkansas. Representing the Affiliated Media Foundation Movement (AM/FM) and the licensee, the Labor Neighbor Research & Training Center (LNRTC), I was there to talk about our plans to launch KEUD, a 50,000-watt noncommercial where the FCC has granted us a …