New Orleans Once again, it’s hard not to quote the Beach Boys line about how “we wish we could all be in California” or something close to that. When it comes to the progress being made for working people by labor unions, the recent news has been amazing. As PBS and the Associated …
Category: Unions
UAW Tactics and Communications are Winning
New Orleans The outcome of the United Automobile Workers (UAW) strike is a long way from being settled, but so far union leadership has handled this very wisely. The tactic of hitting all three of the big automakers, GM, Ford, and what used to be Chrysler and now is called Stellantis is brilliant, …
Visiting with Brazilian Labor Unions
Recife I was confused, but that’s not uncommon when an Organizers’ Forum delegation is on foreign soil and lost in another language. Trying to sort out the address for our meeting with CUT, the Brazilian labor federation, and some of its members, I worried that I had gotten the wrong address for the …