Boston There’s a full moon. The Saints are 11-0 and whipped the New England Patriots like a red-headed stepchild. Now the Treasury Department has announced another new strategy for dealing with foreclosures, given that nothing else has had much of a dent on the problem: shaming. I guess anything is possible these days, but what …
Tag: Foreclosure
Mortgages Underwater
New Orleans The Wall Street Journal published a chart in Monday’s paper based on information from First American Home Core Logic, a real estate information service in Santa Ana, California in Orange County which was the heartland of the sub-prime industry. The chart indicated that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 (22.6%) home …
Foreclosure Follies
New Orleans Bailouts continue at the rate of bulging billions, but foreclosures for homeowners in US and aboard are still all talk, no cattle. Center for Responsible Lending put out a notice that 1.7 million homeowners took a banking or what we used to call a “beating,” when the majority of the Senate voted to …