Attack on Community Reinvestment Latest Battle in Republicans War on the Poor

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

Little Rock   A headline in the Wall Street Journal marked another salvo in the vicious war that the Republicans and the Trump administration has launched on low-and-moderate income and minority families across the country. This time it was not transferring tax subsidies to the rich or attempting to eviscerate their healthcare and kill them. This …

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Private Equity Sabotaging Working Communities

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

Madison   Auction off tens of thousands of homes during the housing crisis to private equity companies without rules or wherefores other than to offload the problems, despite knowing that private equity operations only care about their bottom line, what could go wrong? Not surprisingly, it turns out, just about everything, and nowhere is this truer …

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Has Community Reinvestment Become the Ghetto of the Banking Industry?

ACORN Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans   Since the financial crisis many of us who believe in decent and affordable housing have spent time making sure the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) didn’t become the goat for the financial meltdown and banking scandals. And, don’t get me wrong, that’s important! In a 2015 Federal Reserve study the conclusion was clear: CRA …

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