Green Grows in Mexico City

Ideas and Issues

Picture-41Mexico City Walking from a meeting at the Universidad Obrera de Mexico (UOM), passing by the Zocalo at the center of the city with the Cathedral on my right, I did a double take at the long green line of fancy pedi-cabs lined up along street.  Drivers stood wiping off the dust on their green machines as if they were…yeah, taxis.

Later along Avenida Independencia almost in front of the Chinatwon arch hardly a block over from the Alameda Central I almost stumbled on a line of a dozen bicycles in racks and ready to ride.  There was a fancy obelisk with a map that must have shown 20 locations around the historico central where it appeared that you could pick up or drop off the bikes.  The payment system was credit or debit card only from what I could tell, so the failsafe system would be tracking down the miscreant who tried to rip the ride from their card.  This was not a working woman’s service, but something for folks ready to go green and ride on the wild side in Mexico City traffic, or more likely on the sidewalks as many of the regulars already do, sending pedestrians spinning and swirling.

Unfortunately, I saw no passengers pulling our in the pedicabs nor did many of the EcoBic bikes seem to have been rented or on the roadways from what I could tell, but here in the heart of one of the world’s great pollution inversions in one of the world’s largest cities, I have to salute anything green growing in Mexico City!
