Georgia on My Mind

DC Politics National Politics

Washington, DC         In politics there is always tomorrow, not necessarily for the same candidate or party, but the people will be served after a fashion, and the positions will be filled.

In this election, the peoples’ favorite wasn’t the reconstruction of the “blue wall” of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, not matter how fragile or temporary, but the sweet smell of Georgia peaches.  Texas faded in the sunset as little more than a mirage, but Georgia emerged as a hint of blue in the red sky of morning where sailors take warning, along with the rest of us.

Now control of the Senate supposedly rests on the two seats in Georgia to be settled in January.  Rev. Rafael Warnock was the top vote getter against the appointed seat holder, but on the Republican side that was an internecine struggle between the wealthy Kelly Loeffler and the hyper-conservative Congressman trying to out-Trump each other.  Warnock is an appealing candidate, but I don’t see how he moves from the low-30s in his election to majority as the conservatives coalesce.  They have already made up for the runoff, and that’s not a good sign for flipping the seat.  Mitch McConnell might come to Georgia to personally door knock in that race.  The other is a tighter race:  upstart Jon Ossoff against an incumbent, Senator David Perdue.  Something might be done there.

People are lining up already who are willing and able to help.

I got a call from Pittsburgh where five people have already signed up to go to Georgia for at least a month to work on GOTV efforts are busy recruiting another ten or more.  They already have their sights on an Airbnb “party house” that would hold fifteen for $200 per night.  They are trying to raise the money to south for the holidays.

On the ground, I woke up to an email that reminded me that we had done home visits with the Voter Purge Project in Riverdale testing the accuracy of the Georgia purge list.  Overall, we had found the list 16.4% inaccurate on almost one-hundred completed visits.  Riverdale, for close readers of every line of the election reports was the late breaking source of the metro Atlanta votes that pushed Biden into the lead.  My correspondent, a senior ACORN veteran with more than a decade on the doors, estimated that there were 5000 to 10,000 unregistered voters in that area that needed to be canvassed and enrolled to vote before the deadline for this election.

There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to make sure that the peoples’ voice and votes are heard and counted, one way or another.  There are also people who are ready and able, if others are willing to come together to put enough gas in their tanks.
