The Fat Man is Singing

DC Politics Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsPearl River     The Monday Night Football expression that “it’s not over until the fat lady sings,” has thankfully been retired given the lack of appreciation for opera in our current culture and the increasing sensitivity towards different body types, thanks goodness.  Nonetheless, despite all of the theories, …

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Moving Forward on US Healthcare

Health Care Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans       Breaking away from a meeting with our new tenant organizers at a table in front of Publix grocery store in the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta, I had to find a place quiet enough to talk to Rosemarie Day about her take on expanding universal …

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Georgia, Ground Zero for the Senate

ACORN ACORN International Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsAtlanta    It took five hours and half a tank of gas for me and two organizers for the ACORN Tenants Union in Atlanta to visit more than a dozen apartment complexes in five different counties around metro Atlanta and the perimeter.  The day had started in misty …

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