Majority Opinions and Michael Moore

Elections Kamala Harris

            Marble Falls      Maybe you remember Michael Moore, the journalist, documentarian, and political activist?  I don’t keep up with him, but he was an ACORN supporter, so I have to confess a soft spot for him.  One of our organizers from India shared a long post from Moore on our staff WhatsApp group, which I found myself reading, not because it was some new, incisive political opinion, but because it was such an interesting amalgamation of various majority opinions shared by Americans that stand out as progressive in these divisive times.  They are worth remembering for those of you who believe American and its people are facing end times.

Here is a selection from Moore’s list:

  • 69% of Americans support legal abortion.
  • 72% of Americans don’t own a gun.
  • 90% of the country wants more gun laws.
  • 72% of Americans believe the climate crisis is real.
  • 71% of Americans approve of labor unions.
  • 79% of Americans insist the rich must pay more in taxes.
  • 70% of Americans believe marijuana should be legal.
  • 73% of the country want student loan debt relief.
  • 74% of Americans want more affordable homes.
  • 65% support term limits on all Supreme Court judges.
  • 84% of Americans want free Pre-K.
  • 69% of Americans support same-sex marriage.
  • 65% of Americans want to end the Electoral College.
  • 89% of Americans oppose gerrymandering.
  • 70% of Americans are demanding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.

            He’s right.  That is a pretty impressive list, including on the so-called cultural issues that have too often become bully points on the right.  It doesn’t add up to political power though, and that’s the rub.

            Moore finds hope in the emerging candidacy of Kamala Harris for president, largely because of the initial outpouring of enthusiasm for her.  He’s got a list here as well:

  • Record surge of volunteers across swing states: 170,000.
  • Biggest one-day haul of campaign contributions at $350 million when he posted with 60% from first-time donors.
  • Largest Zoom call ever for a campaign meeting, with 160,000.
  • Most people ever to register to vote over a 48-hour period at 40,000 new voters.
  • 85% of Democratic convention delegates, 3404 of them, endorsed Harris within three days of her candidacy.

            None of the guarantees the outcome obviously or may even be sustainable, but Moore is turning over the tea leaves with an optimistic hand.  Where he is standing on firm ground, even if he’s leaning harder than most of us on this scale, is his reckoning, shared by everyone from the pundits on down, that it is a different race now the White House now.

            Harris needs to make her case close to where the majority stand.  Trump and his buddy Vance need to get a grip on their narcissism and mouths, rather than continuing to deny the 2020 election, whine about their so-called enemies, and, for goodness’ sake, they need to stop race-baiting and women-hating, or they are going to lose badly, regardless of their early lead.  The American people are listening closely now, and they are going to be speaking loudly about what they really feel about the future soon.


