New Orleans Almost everyone, up and down the line from politicians to public health officials to public water utilities to families know by now how dangerous and destructive, especially to children, infants, and the elderly lead can be. The Flint, Michigan water crisis and many just like it from Newark to Milwaukee to …
Author: Chief Organizer
Back to Branches at JPMorgan Chase
New Orleans JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States, has suddenly in an about-face announced that it will be opening 100 new branches in lower income areas, including in underserved urban and rural areas. Furthermore, they stated that they are doing so to give communities better options than those provided by payday …
Insurance and other Hurricane Shocks
Pearl River It’s hard to talk about the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, because every day over the last week seems to bring more news of the devastation, particularly for people who had every reason to believe the last thing they had to worry about in these inland and often hilly places was hurricane damage. Living …