New Orleans Recently we looked a misinformation. In the same way that some programs, institutions, and people are putting their heads now in duck-and-cover maneuvers calling diversity “belonging,” climate change is now “extreme weather,” and for some misinformation is better labelled as “rumors.” Maybe that’s right. We can argue about what we understand …
Author: Chief Organizer
Anticipatory Obedience
New Orleans This is a phrase and a concept unknown to me: “anticipatory obedience.” The whole notion in an American context seems foreign to how the country sees itself and its institutions. How does one square that with the vaunted national self-regard for individualism and independence? I don’t think you can. The phrase …
Spotify and Netflix are Problems
New Orleans Ross Douthat, the conservative and religion columnist for the New York Times supports the right’s dismantling of the “cathedral” controlled by the left-liberal establishment, but worries that its extremism in the cultural wars will not create a reasonable balance, but simply an equal reaction to its action, changing nothing. Interesting, right? …