New Orleans Here during our collective field test for the “end times,” we are all learning new and different ways to relate, individually and collectively. In the absence of mass protest actions, ACORN and other groups around the world are of course using on-line petitions, as better than nothing, but recognizing its weakness. Organizations are creatively …
Category: ACORN
Ripple Effects on Remittances Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans One thing leads to another. Easy to say, but hard to endure, especially when it comes to the economic damage that keeps spreading from the pandemic shutdowns. This is the real trickledown economics, and it’s not a good thing. In this case, I’m talking …
Real Life, Real Tragedies in the Pandemic Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsPearl River Trump is in trouble, and it’s getting worse. Reportedly, top Republicans and their political strategists are trying to tell him that his daily press meanderings are hurting him, and that he needs to step aside and let the health experts handle the news. He can’t …