Beacons of Hope in the European Housing Crisis

ACORN ACORN International Community Organizing Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsAmsterdam      A housing conference took place in a workers’ center built in the heart of a neighborhood in the 1930s in the midst of the worldwide depression that the conveners thought underscored the possibilities even in the midst of the current European affordable housing crisis.  Guest presentations …

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Fight for $15 is Fight for 14 Euros in Europe

ACORN ACORN International Community Organizing Labor Organizing Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsAmsterdam      In the second meeting of what we are now calling the “The Organizing Forum” or TOF, which I choose to pronounce as TOUGH, more than forty organizers from the Netherlands, France, Brussels, the United Kingdom, and the United States came together in Amsterdam to share experiences …

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Puerto Rico Two Years After Hurricane Maria

ACORN Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsSan Juan         Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico a little over two years ago on September 17, 2017, with more force as a Cat-5 storm than any in the recorded history of the island.  In San Juan, the damage seemed slight and hardly noticeable.  Once on the highways …

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