The Poor and Workers are Being Hammered

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsPearl River     As the economic numbers become more stark, and the economy teeters towards something closer to a depression than a recession, the impact on workers and the poor that has been hidden in plain sight for years is now almost impossible to ignore.  Researchers, pundits, reporters, …

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New American Strategy:  Making Small Businesses Disappear

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts Little Rock      There were several parts of the stimulus in the CARE Act that were supposed to protect both smaller businesses and their workers.  One was to be administered by the Small Business Administration and the other, the Paycheck Protection plan was designed to be processed …

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Essential Workers Die First on the Job

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans     The reports of pandemic deaths of essential workers are harrowing.  A lot of attention, deservedly, has been given to healthcare workers of all kinds who are living and breathing the virus in emergency rooms and intensive care units.  Others are also falling like flies.  …

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