Delhi It turned out after listening to a long presentation by Dharmendra Kumar and the Janaphal/ACORN team in Delhi, that understanding the intricacies of the housing situation in Delhi is a bit like the old parable of the blind men trying to describe an elephant as they touched different parts of the beast. …
Category: Housing
Slums are Worker Colonies
Delhi The last workshop we led in Katmandu at the World Social Forum focused on housing rights. Judy Duncan from ACORN Canada detailed the long and successful campaign to win landlord licensing in Toronto and the resources for inspections and fines to give it sharp teeth. Emma Saunders from ACORN’s affiliate in Scotland, …
Plenty of Land, Just Not Enough Housing
Marble Falls Affordable housing is a crisis throughout the country. The shortage has meant that housing prices are rising, even as interest rates and some inflation have made them less affordable and reduces sales to record levels. And, as I learned to chant in Glasgow several years ago, Rents Are Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Developers …