New Orleans – The US House of Representatives continues to be paralyzed, hostage to a rump band of twenty or so who have come together to deny Republican majority leader Kevin McCarthy the speaker’s chair. McCarthy has now endured two days and six votes, while failing to win. My basic view is a pox on …
Category: Ideas and Issues
Republican Congressman Making History by Running Backwards
Mexico City – It took one-hundred years, but the newly elected Republican majority proved emphatically that the deep divisions in the country were not just red versus blue, Republicans versus Democrats, but even Republicans against Republicans, as they failed to elected a Speaker of the House of Representatives after the first three ballots. For all of …
Can American Football Ever Be Made Safe and Do We Care?
Mexico City. Being out of the country, doesn’t mean not being able to watch football. In Mexico, there are channels broadcasting the sport in Spanish. Heck, the National Football League plays games in Mexico annually, just as it does in England and even Germany now. There’s no question that football continues to be popular …