New Orleans Over the last 15 months I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with local and national efforts committed to winning comprehensive immigration reform. I know how urgently and desperately felt the need for real reform and real solutions are for 12 million undocumented workers and their families. I have been in meetings with …
Category: Immigration Reform
Lou Dobbs: Meet Me in Phoenix
New Orleans Here’s another good reason to celebrate this Thanksgiving: Lou Dobbs, immigrant hater-in-chief, claims he’s having a conversion experience. Now that he’s been bought and busted out of CNN, he was spinning in The Wall Street Journal and rapping to on an interview with Telemundo that he now believes there are “some” reasons justifying …
Memphis Tea Party Blues
Memphis The lecture was the 2nd in a series commemorating the 100th anniversary of city planning in America, so 40 years in hundreds of city streets and Citizen Wealth and its themes were perfectly suited to the interests of students and civilians at the University of Memphis. I had warned my hosts that some of …