Global Working Blues

Inequity Workers

Marble Falls        Reading the polls, one of the takeaways, and it’s a big one, is that for all of the strengths of the economy, many people aren’t feeling it.  Inflation in the basic grocery basket and housing costs are the major reasons. Prices are rising more slowly on food items, but rents are still …

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States are Soaking the Poor and Letting Rich Skate

Economics Inequity Taxes

            New Orleans      The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy for the last seven years has done an annual report based on a distributional analysis of state taxation policies.  It’s terribly depressing reading, not because this nonprofit doesn’t do an excellent job, but because their conclusions take away any hope states are offering a …

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SINDOMESTICO/Bahia and the Fight for Workers’ Rights

Community Organizing Inequity

            Salvador          We were lucky that Sunday is traditionally the day off for household domestic workers around the world.  We were scheduled to meet the director and leaders of SINDOMESTICO-BA, the Domestic Workers Union in the Brazilian state of Bahia late in the afternoon in Salvador.  The address was eluding us, but we were early.  …

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