New Orleans Handling remittances from working immigrant families is such a lucrative business that progress is measured in very small steps. We were delighted to take one with Scotia Bank when they announced in Toronto that they were lowering costs for remittances from their account holders using a combination of their online access and a …
Category: International
Services Suck I Guess
New Orleans I spend a lot of time (sweat and work, too!) thinking about how to build more sustainable organizations that are less donor driven especially to support international organizing, but indeed it’s a universal problem. Today’s Wall Street Journal has an article, “Mergers, Closings Plague Charities” by Shelly Banjo and S. Mitra Kalita …
Tegucigalpa and Politicos
Tegucigalpa On Sunday morning I had awaken again on the COMUCAP mountain properties in one of their cabanas. After dawn I had walked down along the gladiola lined pathway to see not only the aloe vera fields but also the truck garden of sorts at the base with its radishes, squash, and whatever. It was …