A Window into the Reality of Organizing in Nairobi’s Korogocho

ACORN International International

New Orleans   Often it’s hard to describe what ACORN International’s organizing is really like in mega-slums around the world and the very different challenges our organizers face in building effective and potentially powerful membership run and funded community organizations. Last week ACORN Kenya had scheduled a large rally in Korogocho, the 2nd largest mega-slum of …

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Microfinance Company’s Own Investigation Proves SKS Provoked Suicides

ACORN International International

New Orleans    Working with ACORN International, Melanie Craxton from the University of Edinburgh and I produced a hard hitting report,  Mega Troubles for Microfinance, calling into question the claims that microfinance reduces poverty and the entire model of unsustainable practices, collection methods, and the resource bubble fueling their growth.   Sadly, a story written by the …

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