New Orleans So many wars, so little time. We have come to the point where when someone asks an American “about the war,” we have to say, “Which one?” One of the two Iraq wars? Afghanistan and its continuing and unending conflicts? Like I said, which one? For people of a certain age though the …
Category: Organizers Forum
First They Come for the Nonprofits
Waveland It seems not so much a pattern as an iron law that as governments move to clamp down on their citizens, first they come for the nonprofits. The evidence is everywhere, but the most recent examples can be found in Russia and Egypt. When a delegation from the Organizers’ Forum visited each of these …
The Nicaraguan Canal and Cry of Culture
Managua The proposed “grand canal,” as the project is called in Nicaragua is the 72nd proposal in the last 500 years to build a waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean through Lake Nicaragua, the largest freshwater lake in Central America, and the San Juan River. This time it’s a no-bid 100-year concession signed between …