Organizing Committees are the Heart of Organizing

ACORN Organizer Training Organizing

            San Francisco             In Oakland we had the sixth and final regional ACORN and Anthropocene Alliance training with about ten people drawn from groups in the Bay Area.  In the early afternoon, I always lay out the elements of an ACORN organizing drive in a community, particularly stressing the critical importance of the organizing committee, …

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Organizing and Art

ACORN Organizing Voice of the People Wade's World

            Oakland          We’ve always been clear, organizing is an art, not a science.  We count everything of course and measure the probabilities closely in order to predict turnout, growth, staff development, and a host of other things, but mostly that is necessary to provide the infrastructure.  It doesn’t change the organic nature of the work …

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Talking about Organizing Unions in the South

Labor Organizing Strike Unions Workers

            Chicago           In the array of workshops, panels, and ballroom presentations there were some about organizing in the South, which has been the holy grail for the future of US unions ever since companies poured into the region to take advantage of cheap labor and abundant resources.  Hearing what was on union activists’ minds made …

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