New Orleans There’s just something about reading the rehashed stories every year on the front page of the local New Orleans papers about the surprise of some uptown swell at being named King of Rex and the shock of some debutante at being chosen as the Queen. All of this balderdash we are supposed to …
Category: Personal Writings
Where are People’s Needs in Modern Life Dominated by Computers and Machines?
New Orleans Every year for the last number of decades I have saved my vacation so I can take off the last two weeks of the year. This began when we had children of course, as our lives began to revolve around the competition between their school schedules and our work requirements. This year I …
My Brother, Dale
New Orleans Telling my mother the news about my brother, Dale, waited for my return to the city, so now every day, she and I reestablish the facts of the matter, reconfirming his passing. Somehow this seems so metaphorically appropriate for Dale, he is both there, and not there, both known, and unknown, both voluble, witty, …