Marble Falls The old saying about not slapping the bear unless you can bring the bear down is worth remembering before you get a head of steam and think trying to recall your local mayor would be a good idea. We’re seeing that in spades in New Orleans, as recallers took a big, hearty …
Category: Politicians
South Dakota Senator Jim Abourezk was Special
Little Rock Former US Senator James Abourezk from South Dakota was a different kind of politician on a score of counts. Being the first Arab-American to be elected to that body certainly would be on the list. Being the first person elected who was raised on an Indian reservation, the Rosebud, should be noted. Deciding …
Congress Goes British Giving Biden a Break
New Orleans The British have a raucous political tradition that amazingly continues to endure, called “question period.” The Prime Minister de jure takes questions from the opposition leader and parliamentarians on both sides of the aisle who hoot and holler from the back benches as if they were at a local football, which is …