The Palestinian Conundrum

Protests War

Pearl River      As the Gaza conflict extends past nine months, people of good will continue to knit their brows and pull their hair, imagining what it might take to end the conflict and stop the bloodletting both now and in the future.  The largest Israeli protests in months occurred recently demanding a cease fire, release …

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Where Gaza Hurts Biden

Biden War

New Orleans       Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi are about as far away from being battleground states for the 2024 election as any savvy handicapper or oddsmaker would verify.  Unfortunately, these and other deep red states are the places where I end up doing a lot of my work and spending a lot of time.   Not …

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The American Left and Gaza


Pearl River      The cover of the most recent conservative-liberal magazine, The Economist, said two words: “Israel Alone.”  The Times reports that a dozen “liberal” organizations from the Working Families Party to the DC-based Citizens for American Progress, along with two unions, the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union have written President Biden …

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