Mexico City Sitting around after a great breakfast and family gathering in Mexico City on Christmas morning, conversation drifted, as it is wont to do, towards politics and the state of play in the coming US election and the prospects for Biden versus Trump. We could have talked about the upcoming election in Mexico …
Category: Politics
Time to Put a Fork in Project Veritas
Pearl River In typical fashion, James O’Keefe’s rightwing fake news operation, Project Veritas, couldn’t get it right. The old line is that “rats flee a sinking ship.” As Project Veritas went down, under the weight of O’Keefe’s many scandals, lawsuits, extravagant and entitled spending, and general narcissism, to right the ship, rather than recruit …
Gun Scam, Bait and Switch
New Orleans In the Age of Trump and its aftermath, if we all weren’t cynical before, we are at least cautious these days about too readily believing any claims for fear of alternative “truths.” Still, I caught myself saying, “unbelievable!” this morning, as I read about the incredible and dangerous scam involved in …