Pearl River No question. We live in hard times of division and reaction now. Could it be worse? Absolutely! In fact, it often has been worse, as I was reminded in reading the efforts of the Wobblies to organize in the United States in the early decades of the twentieth century and then visiting …
Category: Politics
The Expensive Meanness of Food Stamp Politics in the Debt Deal
New Orleans It’s a sad statement about the values and foundations of American society that when people don’t get what they want, they still feel it’s safe to punish the poor, and people who claim to care about lower income families allow them to do it, because they are not only poor, but …
When Florida’s DeSantis Coughs, Arkansas’s Sanders Sneezes
Little Rock Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis in a Twitter technical meltdown has finally announced his bid for the Republican nomination for president. The kowtowing Republican supermajority in the Florida legislature has gone out of their way to pass wild and wooly legislation to establish his ultra-conservative bonafides. Less well known nationally has been the …