Mumbai The issue with nonprofits in autocratic countries is all about power and control. There’s nothing inherently threatening about nonprofits. Most are alarmingly small. Too many eschew any advocacy or commitment to action or even change, and instead focus their time and money on social services, education, culture, the value of the tax exemption, if …
Category: Politics
In India, the Taxman Brings Dictatorial Trouble
Delhi In India under the antidemocratic, “no news, but good news”, reign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the old saw about two things you can’t escape, death and taxes, has been combined into one thing when the façade of taxes is being used to kill international nonprofits that the government views as …
Amazon’s Growing Force in India
Delhi Amazon has gotten very big in India. Walmart, our longtime nemesis, through its purchase of Flipcart, has joined Amazon in a fierce competition to dominate e-commerce in the country. In a partnership with UNI, the global labor federation, and the nascent Amazon India Workers Association, ACORN and its affiliate, Janaphal, have been supporting …