Marble Falls I read some of the opinion pieces that rural electric co-op leaders offer their members through their monthly combo-newsletters and ad-sheets. I sometimes find myself scratching my head as I read these editorial-propaganda pieces. I do so not necessarily because of what they are saying, but because of what they are deliberately …
Category: Politics
George Floyd Lessons Unlearned
Marble Falls How is this possible? The death of George Floyd was a watershed event in American life with an impact that was felt to be enduring and even universal. Not only was their clear footage, thanks to the bravery and nimbleness of a bystander, of unquestionable police brutality, but there have also now …
Little Rock Some close readers and listeners may have wondered why the radio silence from me about the rolling document drama? No? Well, regardless, I’m going to weigh in, just as soon as I finish yawning. Basically, I understand that there are documents involved. I understand that these are sometimes important matters of state marked …