Roswell Driving around Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico, I was looking for something we could use as a tower to mount an antenna for KEDR-FM around Loving, less than a dozen miles south of Carlsbad. My little rental car, some kind of hybrid thing from Ford, but 4WD and fine for my purposes, …
Category: Radio
Radio, Still Invaluable for Keeping in Touch with the Truth
Carlsbad, NM While reading about the cyberattacks, front and center, as well as out of sight, in the terrible Russian invasion of Ukraine as I flew to El Paso, I noticed an interesting piece in a recent Economist entitled “Skywaves and Satellites: Technologies old and new may help keep …
Arkansas Times’ Alan Leveritt is Right and His Position Deserves Support
New Orleans If you had asked me 47 years ago when I was living and working in Arkansas as the founder and chief organizer of ACORN, if I would ever have written a sentence that included the words, “Alan Leveritt is Right,” I would have agreed, because then Alan touted himself as a libertarian of sorts …