Cartagena If social media ever presumed to bring friends and families together, that pretence now seems quaint and ridiculous on so many levels. To pretend otherwise shows our age, nostalgia, and naïveté. The business model is based on exploitation, and those that understand this basic, seemingly foundational, fact weaponize it for their own ends …
Category: Social Media
Social Media Madness
Marble Falls Exhausted from a long drive, sitting next to mi companera for assistance, I set about trying to join Bluesky with mixed feelings. I’m not really a Twitter X guy. Yeah, in automation mode, ACORN’s comms guy shares the Chief Organizer’s Report on that platform, but at a personal level I dropped …
Dealing with SLAPP Suits, Euro-Style
New Orleans SLAPP or Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation lawsuits are not a new corporate tactic to stop various campaigns, nonprofits, advocacy groups, and membership organizations from exercising their right and duty to protest against adverse corporate practices and developments. Such suits have been filed in the United States for decades at this point. …