Dallas It was a crazy day, but we had made a commitment to present a paper that had been supported by the LRAN, the Labor Research and Action Network, at their 12th Annual Conference at Georgetown University, so, by God, a promise is a promise, even if it meant a 530 am plane …
Category: Workers
Subcontractors Revolt in India and Kenya
New Orleans Facebook or Meta, whatever you want to call it, and Amazon are slippery employers. For all of their hundreds of thousands of direct employees, they almost have as many contract workers on the cheap, either doing jobs that expose the companies to liabilities or where they can simply scrimp on pay. …
Time is Not on Our Side
New Orleans: My guest blog for Working Class Perspectives for May Day follows, with thanks and appreciation to them for the privilege of contributing. Time is suddenly news. How little we have, how much we want, and what we do with it for work or whatever. Is this good news for workers? Maybe for some, …