Is Code Enforcement the Friend or Enemy of Lower Income Family Home Ownership?

ACORN Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans    As a principle part of our organizing around adequate and affordable housing over decades, we’ve always believed in there being a “warrant of habitability” and some clear standards in housing codes that insured the safety and health of lower income families.  We still believe that, …

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Real Estate Wealth Taxes as a Anti-Gentrification Tool

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

New Orleans   Recently I listened to an interview with a prominent local developer on WAMF in New Orleans as he was asked about gentrification.  He tried to walk the line between his self-interest and progressive values.  He was against displacement on one hand, but he opposed inclusionary zoning that would require developers to create affordable …

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