New Orleans I can’t tell if we have a widening gap in the way big employers see health insurance or a huge opportunity to finally get coverage for lower waged workers. A week or so ago, I talked about a potential bargaining opportunity for lower waged workers for 2014 before penalties apply to larger companies …
Tag: obamacare
Hey, You! Start Learning the US Federal Poverty Guidelines!
New Orleans There are two more weeks on the countdown to your chance to finally get health care coverage for you and your family, if you don’t have it, or to potentially get some help in paying for it, if you do have it, and my bet is many of you are still clueless about …
Confronting the Obamacare Bullies!
New Orleans The important thing about working for change is to “keep hope alive” and always believe that if you work every day the “arc of justice is long” and as “inevitable as the rising of the sun” to quote Jackson, King, and Debs all in one sentence. Don’t do that at home! I …