New Orleans The queue to “count coup” on Bank of America and its decision to step back from stealing debit card fees from its customers is almost unseemly. We expect it from politicians, and props to Senator Durbin, VP Joe Biden, and the rest of the DC gang for the pile-on, which in fact was …
Tag: social movement
Tea Party, Occupy, Movements and Organizations
Kingston I love reading about the pinch in the shoes of the Tea-people as they try to scurry about and disclaim similarities to the Occupy forces that are springing up everywhere around the USA and the world. The cultural complaints are the most absurd, since that is mostly the differences in the ages of the …
Toronto If there was ever a more dramatic case study of the political impact of protest on or off the grid of internet, telecommunications, and social networking, the world saw it on the streets of Egypt yesterday. It was as if there were a perfect laboratory experiment on what would happen if the only avenues …