New Orleans I used to have a teacher who delighted in repeating, while teaching some subject or another, that the only thing that was ever certain, was “death and taxes.” It turns out the only thing that is crystal clear about the current GOP proposal on taxes is that only death will be certain. Taxes? …
Tag: Trump Administration
No Room for the Little People in Trump World
Little Rock The little people are taking a beating in Trump’s Washington and the rest of America. Behind the curtain while the wildness and rants are on display on stage, the march to unravel rights and protections for regular, low-and-moderate income Americans as citizens and consumers is relentless. Vice-President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote this …
Trump’s Butchering of Obamacare
New Orleans For all the pluses and minuses of any debate on the Boy Scouts, they taught me one life lesson that I wish President Trump had also learned: don’t play with knives! Looking at the way he is trying to mindlessly hack away and butcher the Affordable Care Act, there is little doubt that …